Neutralizer (for tetrahydrothiophene)
Suitable for deodorization and cleaning of thiophene. Usage: Powder and water in accordance with 1:10 mixing.spray on the spilled thiophene. Avoid eye contact: Lift eyelids, rinse with running water or saline,and seek medical attention. Avoid skin contact: immediately remove contaminated clothing, rinseskin thoroughly with clean water, and seek medical attention.
Keywrods: Neutralizer (for tetrahydrothiophene)

Product description
可分内部与外部滑剂:内部滑剂的目的减少聚合分子间的磨擦,降低粘度,提高流动性;外部滑剂是使塑料从金属模具表面易于脱模。常用滑剂有脂肪酸酯类或脂肪酯醯胺类、烃类 (如 天然石腊),金属皂类。 聚乙烯蜡,又称 PE 蜡,是低分子量聚乙烯,青岛赛诺生产的其中一款蜡分子量在 1500—2000 之间,融点为 95℃,热失重低,其粘度和硬度接近石蜡,性价比非常高。
Neutralizer (for tetrahydrothiophene)
◆ Suitable for deodorization and cleaning of thiophene.
◆ Usage: Powder and water in accordance with 1:10 mixing.spray on the spilled thiophene.
◆ Avoid eye contact: Lift eyelids, rinse with running water or saline,and seek medical attention.
◆ Avoid skin contact: immediately remove contaminated clothing, rinseskin thoroughly with clean water, and seek medical attention.
◆ Avoid ingestion: Drink enough warm water, induce vomiting.seek medical attention.
◆ Avoid inhaling steam or droplets: lf inhaling, move the patient to freshair. lf you stop breathing, give artificial respiration and seek medical attention.
◆ Storage precautions: Store in cool, ventilated, dry warehouse. Keep away from fire and heatThe package should be sealed and not in contact with other chemicals. Do not store in largequantities or for a long time.
◆ Protection and emergency response: Evacuate personnel to a safe area. Operators wearrespirators to avoid inhaling dust, steam, smoke or gas to ensure adequate ventilation.
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